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Re: GSS API (as a DLL)...

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Shores <kss1376@pop.draper.com> writes:
  Ken> At 03:27 PM 8/17/94 TZ, John Ludeman wrote:
  >>  ---------- | From: "Alec H. Peterson" <chuckie@panix.com> |
  >> Date: Wednesday, August 17, 1994 4:46PM | | Ramin Firoozye
  >> writes: | [...]  | > | >The BIG problem specific to security
  >> DLL's is that someone bent on breaking | >security can write a
  >> "wrapper" DLL around a security DLL, store all the | >[...]  | |
  >> This is one of the reasons why most (if not all) applications
  >> that deal with | secure data (like /bin/login and /bin/su) should
  >> be statically linked.
  >> No, this is not a valid reason.  The above argument implies there
  >> is no security. If a sysadmin doesn't want this to happen, they
  >> must take the appropriate security percautions.  If they do not,
  >> then *nothing* in the system is secure and any program the system
  >> might run can do bad things.  This again gets into site security
  >> issues which is beyond the topic of this alias.

  Ken> I'm inclined to agree.  If you can compromise the users loader
  Ken> library search path, then you're probably in a position to
  Ken> compromise the path used to load applications as well, and

No, he's right. System security things should be statically
linked. Especially on Suns, with their LD_PRELOAD functionality. Most
well written (from a security point of view) software that needs to
exec other stuff will do so with a full pathname, thus defeating any
execlp path manipulation. The load library path remains a

  Ken> anything you could do by wrapping the security services you
  Ken> could just do by replacing the client application.  Similarly,

Yes, but you don't need write access to /usr/bin or whatever to wrap
the library.

  Ken> There are certainly times when dynamic libraries are
  Ken> inappropriate, but this doesn't seem to me to be one of them.

It's one of the most important of these times. Take it from me; I've
been burned by this before.

